
Xin chào, I'm Cường P. Luu, a medical student with a strong focus on advancing neurosurgical care, neuro-functional research, and the philosophy of mind.

Portrait photo of Cuong P. Luu in white coat

About me

Hi, I'm Cuong, a medical student at UW Madison with a background in bioengineering from UC Berkeley.

I aim to empower...

every person with a healthy brain and mind so that each can fully self-determine!

This may be an impossible dream. Yet, I feel boundless energy—learning how to best care for each of my patients, deeping my skills for translational research, and serving those vulnerable in my community. I strive to mentor the next generation to do better than I can.

That's a lot; I am learning to be more efficient. When free, my friends and I take our bikes to zoom across the city, or fire up the skillet to fry some chicken katsu.

Let's work together!

Contact Details

cluu [at] wisc [dot] edu

Past Publications

Running on

Blog - very much a work in progress :)

2 countries I visited

Currently Now

what's that ?

Working as a research fellow @ WITNe

Will return to clinical rotation soon

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